Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sidebar: Beef 'n' Bitters

This is actually a picture of a Rob Roy
I'm having a difficult time getting started today. Eventually I have to leave and do laundry and buy groceries, but it's hard to leave the apartment. I sat on the couch with Noreen, looking my cookbook to pick the next cake, and then I just started flipping through the entire thing. I am so interested in the cocktail and beverage section! For example, there is an aperitif that is made of beef broth! Pour it over ice, add bitters and squeeze a lemon wedge in it, and voila! I've never heard of such a thing, but it actually sounds good. I like savory drinks. There's also a cocktail version, called the Bullshot, which is just vodka and beef broth stirred over ice and served in an old-fashioned glass. Has anyone tried it? I think in addition to my cake, I'm going to try this cocktail this week. I can't imagine ordering it at a restaurant. Servers and bartenders already give me funny looks when I order stingers, and that's a drink still mentioned today (RIP, Elaine Stritch).

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